Temperature Measurement | Process pressure: 10 bar - 200 barProcess temperature: -20 C - 150 CPrecision: 0.1 %. The wireless communication module is equipped with IOT network card, that is SIM card. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Ozone generator, About Apure Bimetallic stemmed thermometer definition.

Aquaponics vs Hydroponics: Whats The Difference? Converter and sensor ready for installation separately, easy display reading installed in the converter. Process pressure: 6 bar - 100 barProcess temperature: 0 C - 80 CVolumetric flow rate: 4.8 l/h - 9,600 l/h. Minimum liquid conductivity value 20 S/cm. M12 Temperature Connectors | 2022All rights reserved The range also includes types for use in drinking water supply.

Efforts to reduce water consumption presuppose knowledge of the current consumption. MECHANICAL OVAL GEAR METER The high reading accuracy is guaranteed throughout the meters metering range. Pressure Gauges | The combination of an ONICON chilled water flow meter and Btu meter creates a system with the highest level of performance in the industry. Fiber Optics | with various digital communication options and is approved for use in hazardous areas. Strip Heaters | Receive updates on this section every two weeks. Looking for more information on our products.
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The ZHM series in the patented cartridge construction (ZHM CT) was developed primarily for coating applications. Alarms Digital Outputs the evaluation unit, the AirFlow P system supplies a signal at the analogue output cubic metres per hour (v x A). For monitoring the flow condition the sensor has two independent switching outputs or an analog current output.